About Us

Meseret Humanitarian Organization

Meseret Humanitarian Organization (MHO) is a women-headed non-governmental, not-for-profit charitable organization devoted to reducing vulnerability among children and women in Ethiopia. It was founded by a role model and humanitarian woman who has long served in the Ethiopia Red Cross. She has experienced first-hand humanitarian and emergency situations and responses in Ethiopia from a young age.

MHO was established as a humanitarian organization in July 2011 and has been serving the Ethiopian people, particularly the most destitute children and women, for more than a decade. MHO is one of the leading local NGOs in Ethiopia engaged in various exemplary and impactful development initiatives. Over the past 12 years, MHO has been functioning in close coordination with underprivileged communities, the government, and other agencies, especially by extending its projects to remote and backward areas.

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Our Services

Women Empowerment
Re-habilitation and re-integration of homeless
mothers with children, adults and children
under 18
Youth and Community Capacity enhancement
Water Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)
Reproductive Health
Integrated women economic empowerment and Environmental protection
Social Accountability
Care and Support for orphan and vulnerable children /OVCs
About Founder and Executive Directress

Mrs. Meseret Azage

Mrs. Meseret Azage hails from Bahar Dar but was raised in Addis Ababa. Following her secondary education at Kolfe High School, she pursued studies at General Wingate Technical and Vocational Training School, earning a degree in Accounting. Additionally, she holds a diploma in Purchasing and Supply Management from Admas University College.

MMrs. Meseret Azage has undergone various short-term training programs encompassing income-generating scheme organization, management, leadership, project planning, implementation, and monitoring, as well as project preparation and community mobilization. She holds certificates attesting to her proficiency in these areas. Additionally, she has received training in HIV/AIDS prevention and control, including peer education provision and community conversation facilitation, as well as consciousness, creativity, and mind mapping. These training sessions have enhanced her adaptability and effectiveness in her voluntary community endeavors.

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Board Members

Meet Our Board members


Mekoya Demessie

Chair person


Tamirat Tatek

Vice chair person


Yordanos Tamirat



Winta Zekarias



Temesgen Tefera



Meseret Azage


Our Blog

Meseret Humaniterian

Heartfelt Thanks for Your Generous Donation and Visit


Posted By: MHO

Dear Imam Hassen and team

On behalf of everyone at the Meseret Humanitarian Organization (MHO) Rehabilitation Center, I extend our deepest gratitude for your recent donation of food and your visit to our facility.

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Posted By: MHO

ተለውጠን የምንለውጥ ጠንካራ ሴቶች ነን!

የመልሶ ማቋቋም ስራ በመሠረት የበጎ አድራጎት ድርጅት አምቦ ቅርንጫፍ! በተለያዩ ምክንያቶች ለጎዳና ህይወት ተዳርገው የነበሩን 76 እናቶች ከነልጆቻቸው ከጎዳና በማንሳት እና በመልሶ ማቋቋሚያ ማዕከላችን በማሰባሰብ ላለፋት 6 ወራት ዘርፈ ብዙ አገልግሎቶችን በመስጠት ከሞራል ስብራታቸው አላቆ የእችላለሁ መንፈስ በማስታጠቅ የመልሶ ማቋቋም ስራውን ለእያንዳንዳቸው ቤት በመከራየት የቤት ዕቃ በማሟላት እና ሰርተው ራሳቸውን የሚያስችላቸውን ዕቃዎች በፍላጎታቸው ገዝቶ በመስጠት አቋቁሟል። እንኳን ደስስስ ያለን!

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